サイズ | 220mm |
色 | TOBIIKA/トビイカ SFH220F-05K TOBIUO/ トビウオ SFH220F-06K REDWAVE/ レッドウェーブ SFH220F-09K PINKBACKORANGEBELLY/ ピンクバックオレンジベリー SFH220F-10K |
素材 | ダイビングペンシル |
小口径カップで潮噛み、抜けの良いヒラ打ちローリングアクション! 今回より日本国内にて製作、ムクの硬質ウッドに変更し、プロト、量産プロトを製作。

NEW 小売価格¥10,000
素材: 硬質ウッド MADE IN JAPAN
全長: 220mm
重量: 105g(天然素材の為、重量に誤差が生じます)
推奨フック: BKK 4/0,SPXH 5/0(シングルでは、Diablo11/0.管ムロ35号など9g~11g)
対象魚: ヒラマサ、クロマグロ、GT
・ 木製のため船縁や岩などに当たり強い衝撃を受けると破損します。
・ 高温多湿な場所での保管は避けてください。
・ 使用後は、ぬるま湯で洗い潮や汚れを落として、乾燥させてください
“Yellowtail, GT, and tuna casting games in a bigbait pattern! Tidal bite in a small-diameter cup, slipping fluttering rolling action!
we made a proto and a mass production proto by changing to a hard wood , manufactured in Japan.The proto-first time, the action is relatively slow and sluggish, with a lack of sharpness. Then we adjusted the flat side and center of gravity position, and made it a little slimmer. Finally, we increased the number of fluttering by rolling and the sharpness and quickness of the lure to attract fish with a straight line even in fast currents.
Repeatedly tested by field staff and captains in the Goto Islands area from Nagasaki, catching many large yellowtail . We have caught multiple Hiramasa over 15 kg. and 10 kg. in the rock shore GT, isotuna, saury, and shirara patterns on the Amami Remote Islands.
In addition, the solid Muku material wood allows us to fly much further than before. The PE8 and 10 provide reliable flight attitude and distance, even when the wind and the tide are against you, and you have to cast with an aggressive approach.
We use it offshore, of course, but also in rock shore, and the coating is very good. It’s not thick, by any means, but it’s a handful of times.
[How to use]
Based on the one-pitch jerk and short jerk, it responds to both fast-moving and slow-tempo actions in accordance with the activity of the fish, from the unstoppable jerk, mainly by reeling under the surface, to the skipping action by reeling at high speed on the surface.
BKK RAPTOR Z 4/0.Gamakatu SPXH5/0
管ムロ 35 号、BKK DIABOLO 11/0